Hearing Nelson

Community Organisation

Hearing Nelson
354 Trafalgar Square
Nelson 7010
1556 days ago

Hearing Nelson - Workshops

Liz Wright from Hearing Nelson

Hearing Nelson are running two workshops in October 2020.

The first workshop is a two week event and is about "Getting the most out of wearing hearing aids". Week 1 is a chance for hearing aid users to gather and share their "good, bad and ugly" experiences with each other.
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Hearing Nelson are running two workshops in October 2020.

The first workshop is a two week event and is about "Getting the most out of wearing hearing aids". Week 1 is a chance for hearing aid users to gather and share their "good, bad and ugly" experiences with each other.
Week 2 is a chance for hearing aids users to speak to hearing professionals.
Dates are the 7th and 14th October at 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm at the Hearing House, 354 Trafalgar Square;
Free to Members and Friends of Hearing Nelson. $40 for non-members

Our second workshop is for family/whanau, caregivers and friends of hearing aid users to support and empower them in the use of their hearing aids.
21st October 2020 at 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm at the Hearing House, 354 Trafalgar Square;
Free to Family of Members and Friends of Hearing Nelson. $20 for non-members.

To register for the above events please:
Email: office@hearingnelson.co.nz
Phone: 03 548 3270

Hearing Nelson Workshops October 2020.pdf Download View
