​ ​Environmental Weed Coalition

Community Organisation

​ ​Environmental Weed Coalition
C/- 36 Kauri Road
1121 days ago

Before you leave town, take 5 minutes to walk around your garden, look for the pink and white flowers of this invasive vine ...

​ ​Environmental Weed Coalition from ​ ​Environmental Weed Coalition

Before you leave town, take 5 minutes to walk around your garden, look for the pink and white flowers of this invasive vine moth plant, then pull/dig out the roots or cut and paste the base of the vine.

Five minutes in December could save hours in a few months.

If you see the pink and white … View more
Before you leave town, take 5 minutes to walk around your garden, look for the pink and white flowers of this invasive vine moth plant, then pull/dig out the roots or cut and paste the base of the vine.

Five minutes in December could save hours in a few months.

If you see the pink and white flowers in your neighbours' gardens, very politely check if they know what a dreadfully invasive weed this is. And tell them how to get rid of it. You could be saving your section from being reinvaded by the thousands of seeds that come from moth plant pods.

Spend 5 minutes NOW to do your garden and your neighbours and your local park a favour.

The same goes for the other highly invasive weeds: woolly nightshade, madeira vine, wild ginger and climbing asparagus. Control them before their seeds develop and spread.

Click and download the Weed Control Guide for other invasive weeds that can overgrow your garden and smother native plants in public spaces.

Take care not to get moth plant sap on your skin or clothes.

For more info, get in touch with your local pest free group - for Kaipatiki, see www.pestfreekaipatiki.org.nz...

See the Weed Control Guide below for more advice or search on the links below.

Forest & Bird Weed Guide 2021.pdf Download View
