257 days ago


Jenny from Titahi Bay

Wellington City Council encourages recycling of all batteries, showing drop-off sites around its region, while Porirua City Council only has Spicer Landfill and it is only for lithium batteries.
Come on Porirua City Council you need to be doing better than this, you deserve an epic fail mark for being so slow.

More messages from your neighbours
4 days ago

The Human Impact of the Flight Path Change - Greg's Story

Plane Sense from Plane Sense

Neighbour - Greg, suffered a traumatic brain injury 20 years ago and has not been able to work since the injury. He battles continuously with hyper-sensitivity to noise and brain fatigue which is hugely affected by noise. He bought a house in the quiet northern suburbs to help him manage these symptoms. The DMAPs flight path change has worsened his condition, which is severe and affects everything he does.

Everyday Wellingtonians - including children, the elderly and vulnerable members of our community, are suffering the effects of the flight path change. Caused by decisions made (and continuing to be made) by Airways New Zealand, Wellington International Airport, Civil Aviation Authority of NZ and Wellington City Council (as shareholder).

Read Greg's story here -

4 hours ago

Decks decks Ashton building.

Pete Ashton from Decks Decks

Long weekend, good time to consider your outdoor areas that could be improved to add outside value . It doesn't have to be a big project to make an area more appealing, often adding seating or wind breaks can make an area more comfortable. Contact Pete Ashton 7 days 0274403242 .

4 hours ago

Decks decks Ashton building .

Pete Ashton from Decks Decks

Decks and structures need maintenance. Just because it stood up to the Christmas crowd is no guarantee it is safe. It's common to see bolts and fixings that have corroded to toothpick thickness or timber that is rotten to the centre . You can wait until something collapses ( the hope method ) or get it checked .contact Pete Ashton 7 days 0274403242.