
TalentFind has grown purely by reputation working closely with organizations to become their chosen Talent Sourcing Partner.
We provide a cost effective, recruitment solution charging an hourly rate or fixed fee offering to work in with all budgets and sized organizations from SMEs to large corporations.
Our talents lie in sourcing candidates utilizing numerous different platforms and networks often uncovering hidden talent pools. We carry out screening processes that help cut down your time providing you with a shortlist of 2-3 candidates that you can feel confident to hire from.
Don’t take our word for it ask to speak to one of our clients! We would love to hear from you. Call on 021 473471.

Careers Advice


About www.talentfind.co.nz

TalentFind has grown purely by reputation working closely with organizations to become their chosen Talent Sourcing Partner.
We provide a cost effective, recruitment solution charging an hourly rate or fixed fee offering to work in with all budgets and sized organizations from SMEs to large corporations.
Our talents lie in sourcing candidates utilizing numerous different platforms and networks often uncovering hidden talent pools. We carry out screening processes that help cut down your time providing you with a shortlist of 2-3 candidates that you can feel confident to hire from.
Don’t take our word for it ask to speak to one of our clients! We would love to hear from you. Call on 021 473471.