World Travellers Motueka

We represent all airlines,cruise lines and tour companies and have unique escorted tours several times each year to fantastic destinations. We are the only NZ agency group licensed to distribute TripaDeal packages,come and find out why so many Australians grab these fantastic deals when they travel.Our staff have a combined 100 years of travel industry experience.We give great advice and will really enhance your travel experience.Try us, you'll like us!

Travel Agents & Brokers

World Travellers Motueka

About World Travellers Motueka

We represent all airlines,cruise lines and tour companies and have unique escorted tours several times each year to fantastic destinations. We are the only NZ agency group licensed to distribute TripaDeal packages,come and find out why so many Australians grab these fantastic deals when they travel.Our staff have a combined 100 years of travel industry experience.We give great advice and will really enhance your travel experience.Try us, you'll like us!