The Intrepid Gardener

Is your garden looking its best, or could it do with some TLC? Are you fed-up with spending your weekends working in the garden? Wouldn't you rather be doing something else? I specialise in transforming, tidying-up and maintaining gardens that have been (somewhat) neglected over the years. Call or text me for a no obligation chat, and let me sort out your gardens issues.


117 Paremoremo Road
Lucas Heights
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About The Intrepid Gardener

Is your garden looking its best, or could it do with some TLC? Are you fed-up with spending your weekends working in the garden? Wouldn't you rather be doing something else? I specialise in transforming, tidying-up and maintaining gardens that have been (somewhat) neglected over the years. Call or text me for a no obligation chat, and let me sort out your gardens issues.