Shelley McCarten Movement

Shelley McCarten is a yoga and movement teacher that specialises in core + pelvic floor heath. She offers private and group classes in the Restore Your Core (RYC™) programme, yoga and movement for pregnancy + postnatal recovery, as well as her signature Yoga: Core + More which incorporates mobility and core stability work. She uses yoga and corrective exercises to strengthen the core, relieve back pain and alleviate pelvic floor issues. Her classes are not about wrenching your body in a no pain or no gain mindset, instead you will learn to move efficiently and exercise smartly. She focuses on strengthening and lengthening your body from the inside-out with safe, sustainable and accessible movement practices to enable you to move well now, and in the years to come. Shelley is the only registered RYC™ teacher in New Zealand.


Shelley McCarten Movement

About Shelley McCarten Movement

Shelley McCarten is a yoga and movement teacher that specialises in core + pelvic floor heath. She offers private and group classes in the Restore Your Core (RYC™) programme, yoga and movement for pregnancy + postnatal recovery, as well as her signature Yoga: Core + More which incorporates mobility and core stability work. She uses yoga and corrective exercises to strengthen the core, relieve back pain and alleviate pelvic floor issues. Her classes are not about wrenching your body in a no pain or no gain mindset, instead you will learn to move efficiently and exercise smartly. She focuses on strengthening and lengthening your body from the inside-out with safe, sustainable and accessible movement practices to enable you to move well now, and in the years to come. Shelley is the only registered RYC™ teacher in New Zealand.