SBA Small Business Accounting Takanini

Why pay for services you don't require?
Small Business Accounting SBA Takanini is your affordable local answer to your accounting needs.
As part of a nationwide organisation, we offer the latest accounting technology to make your life easier.
Owned by Lisa Holten, who has also had SBA Pukekohe for 12+ years, you will benefit from a team very experienced at helping business owners to achieve their financial goals.
As a local, your accountant Lisa Holten understands the challenges and opportunities faced by small business owners, and loves to support them in growing their businesses.
We focus on the accounting so you can focus on your business.
Why not come and see her to find out how she can help you?

Specialising in small to medium sized businesses, sole traders, rental investors, business start-ups, trusts

Accountants - General

SBA Small Business Accounting Takanini

About SBA Small Business Accounting Takanini

Why pay for services you don't require?
Small Business Accounting SBA Takanini is your affordable local answer to your accounting needs.
As part of a nationwide organisation, we offer the latest accounting technology to make your life easier.
Owned by Lisa Holten, who has also had SBA Pukekohe for 12+ years, you will benefit from a team very experienced at helping business owners to achieve their financial goals.
As a local, your accountant Lisa Holten understands the challenges and opportunities faced by small business owners, and loves to support them in growing their businesses.
We focus on the accounting so you can focus on your business.
Why not come and see her to find out how she can help you?

Specialising in small to medium sized businesses, sole traders, rental investors, business start-ups, trusts