Roses Florist

Established in 1998, Roses Florist, nestled in the heart of Mt Eden, Auckland is a boutique style florist specialising in fashionable flowers.

With an eclectic mix of old and new, Roses Florist is so much more than just another flower shop. Our inspiration comes from the vibrancy and delicate nature of flowers and things we love - old linen, vintage wallpaper, modern and folksy crafts and visually inviting items that hold a special uniqueness.


About Roses Florist

Established in 1998, Roses Florist, nestled in the heart of Mt Eden, Auckland is a boutique style florist specialising in fashionable flowers.

With an eclectic mix of old and new, Roses Florist is so much more than just another flower shop. Our inspiration comes from the vibrancy and delicate nature of flowers and things we love - old linen, vintage wallpaper, modern and folksy crafts and visually inviting items that hold a special uniqueness.