Pet Whisperer - Personalised Pet Minding & Dog Walking Services

As passionate pet owner myself, I know how important it is to find the right person to take care of your pets. They mean the world to you, they’re your best friend and they’re irreplaceable! I feel the same way with all the animal's in my house and all that I look after. You want them to feel safe and loved with the person who will look after them. Whether going away or too busy day to day, hiring a pet sitter/walker is a great alternative to pet care.
I have spent all my life surrounded my pets after growing up on a farm and now owning 4 pets of which are all rescued! It’s with this in mind, that I’ve established a service you can count on and reputation for being one of the most caring and trusted pet minding services available. I am devoted to compassionate pet care and dedicated to outstanding customer service. I have vast experience in looking after sick/injured pets including giving medication and post surgery pets.
I am Vet Nurse assistant & Pet First Aid qualified as well as completed Dog Zen training program. I have worked at local vet clinic and at SPCA.
I am currently also a volunteer rescue & foster mum with Lonely Miaow.

Services I offer:
Pet Minding - Inner Auckland (see map for areas)
-Feed your pet/s with their own specific food and ensure water is available in your home at all times.
-Monitor your pets health and wellbeing.
-Spending time cuddling, talking and brushing (if needed) your pets.
-Give medication when required

Dog Walking - Inner Auckland (see map for areas)
-Give your dog/s regular exercise to time requested.
-Usually take to your closest off lead park for exercise, burn off excess energy and playtime with my dog or others in the park.
-If your dog is anxious around other dogs, in the park or needs one on one time we can organise separate on lead walks along street, parks etc

​I am not a trained Pet Psychologist, but I have known for a long time that I have a special connection with animals particularly house pets and they feel truly calm, safe and can trust me when I am around them.
Its hard for some pets to feel safe in this world but they feel safe with me. There is a special bond I form with every pet I look after or live with.

Pet Services

Pet Whisperer - Personalised Pet Minding & Dog Walking Services
Frederick Street
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About Pet Whisperer - Personalised Pet Minding & Dog Walking Services

As passionate pet owner myself, I know how important it is to find the right person to take care of your pets. They mean the world to you, they’re your best friend and they’re irreplaceable! I feel the same way with all the animal's in my house and all that I look after. You want them to feel safe and loved with the person who will look after them. Whether going away or too busy day to day, hiring a pet sitter/walker is a great alternative to pet care.
I have spent all my life surrounded my pets after growing up on a farm and now owning 4 pets of which are all rescued! It’s with this in mind, that I’ve established a service you can count on and reputation for being one of the most caring and trusted pet minding services available. I am devoted to compassionate pet care and dedicated to outstanding customer service. I have vast experience in looking after sick/injured pets including giving medication and post surgery pets.
I am Vet Nurse assistant & Pet First Aid qualified as well as completed Dog Zen training program. I have worked at local vet clinic and at SPCA.
I am currently also a volunteer rescue & foster mum with Lonely Miaow.

Services I offer:
Pet Minding - Inner Auckland (see map for areas)
-Feed your pet/s with their own specific food and ensure water is available in your home at all times.
-Monitor your pets health and wellbeing.
-Spending time cuddling, talking and brushing (if needed) your pets.
-Give medication when required

Dog Walking - Inner Auckland (see map for areas)
-Give your dog/s regular exercise to time requested.
-Usually take to your closest off lead park for exercise, burn off excess energy and playtime with my dog or others in the park.
-If your dog is anxious around other dogs, in the park or needs one on one time we can organise separate on lead walks along street, parks etc

​I am not a trained Pet Psychologist, but I have known for a long time that I have a special connection with animals particularly house pets and they feel truly calm, safe and can trust me when I am around them.
Its hard for some pets to feel safe in this world but they feel safe with me. There is a special bond I form with every pet I look after or live with.