Nelson Venues & Events

Nelson Venues was started over 5 years ago to provide a personalised management service to boutique venues in Nelson.

Over the years the business has evolved to incorporate a wider range of services and now has a team of experienced event professionals with specialised skills that cover all aspects of event and venue management.

The Nelson Venues & Events team work alongside other local professionals and suppliers to provide a full venue and event management service. Including volunteers and staffing, caterers, audio and visual technicians, accommodation providers and more.

Event Management

About Nelson Venues & Events

Nelson Venues was started over 5 years ago to provide a personalised management service to boutique venues in Nelson.

Over the years the business has evolved to incorporate a wider range of services and now has a team of experienced event professionals with specialised skills that cover all aspects of event and venue management.

The Nelson Venues & Events team work alongside other local professionals and suppliers to provide a full venue and event management service. Including volunteers and staffing, caterers, audio and visual technicians, accommodation providers and more.