
Mutu is a peer-to-peer rental market place which connects those who wants things, with those who have them.

With Mutu accessing the things you need will be cheaper, more flexible and easier on the planet. There's no need to buy and store things you don't use regularly. Rent them with Mutu instead. It's Simple, Sustainable and Social.

Interested in finding out how you can buy less stuff or make extra money? Get on the Mutu list and we'll keep you updated as we develop our app.

Rental Services


About Mutu

Mutu is a peer-to-peer rental market place which connects those who wants things, with those who have them.

With Mutu accessing the things you need will be cheaper, more flexible and easier on the planet. There's no need to buy and store things you don't use regularly. Rent them with Mutu instead. It's Simple, Sustainable and Social.

Interested in finding out how you can buy less stuff or make extra money? Get on the Mutu list and we'll keep you updated as we develop our app.

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