2040 days ago

Term 3 Children's Resilience Groups - ENROL Now

Jenny Bell from Jenny Bell Oranga Ltd

A reminder that our small groups (max. 5) are filling up fast. Sessions for Term 3 will be on Wednesdays 3.45pm - 5.00pm.
Inquire now.

2979 days ago

Breathing Buddies

Jenny Bell from Jenny Bell Oranga Ltd

Mindfulness moment of the week: mindfulness techniques for children. Having a "breathing buddy" during a mindful breathing activity can be a very useful tool. Check out this video for more information and let us know what you think!

2988 days ago

Friends facilitator training for term 1, 2017!

Jenny Bell from Jenny Bell Oranga Ltd

Are you or someone you know interested in becoming a FRIENDS facilitator? Sign up now for our training for term 1 next year! Please feel free to share this post and spread the word!

3015 days ago

Food for thought

Jenny Bell from Jenny Bell Oranga Ltd

What is Your favorite mindful activity? We would love to know!
