Hooked on Genealogy Tours

Would you love to know about your family history but just don't have the time or the knowledge to know how to find your Who, When and Where? Did your great great grandfather really come from Russia? Maybe some convicts to Aussie??
Maybe you wonder about your family history as you look at the Ancestry advert on TV or the DNA series?
2017 marks 25 years of Hooked on Genealogy Tours (HOG Tours) with Jan Gow. We leave 6 May 2018 so there is time to get you organised so that you can fully benefit from three weeks in Salt Lake City at the World's largest Family History Library! Option to then go to London for 10 days and then to Scotland for 10 days.
Just ask if you would like more info - Jan 09 5211518 or email HOGTours@genealogy.net.nz.

Genealogy & Heraldry

Hooked on Genealogy Tours

About Hooked on Genealogy Tours

Would you love to know about your family history but just don't have the time or the knowledge to know how to find your Who, When and Where? Did your great great grandfather really come from Russia? Maybe some convicts to Aussie??
Maybe you wonder about your family history as you look at the Ancestry advert on TV or the DNA series?
2017 marks 25 years of Hooked on Genealogy Tours (HOG Tours) with Jan Gow. We leave 6 May 2018 so there is time to get you organised so that you can fully benefit from three weeks in Salt Lake City at the World's largest Family History Library! Option to then go to London for 10 days and then to Scotland for 10 days.
Just ask if you would like more info - Jan 09 5211518 or email HOGTours@genealogy.net.nz.