
HappyMoose is an online photo-printing service, located in Dunedin.
We offer unique photo products to help you personalise your space and bring your favourite memories to life. At HappyMoose, we ensure high-quality photo prints with professional-grade photo papers. We offer unique designs and personalisation options, including print enhancement services. More reasons to choose us - quick turnaround, mobile-friendly website, quick uploads from any device, or even cloud, friendly and experienced customer service and printing excellence.



About HappyMoose

HappyMoose is an online photo-printing service, located in Dunedin.
We offer unique photo products to help you personalise your space and bring your favourite memories to life. At HappyMoose, we ensure high-quality photo prints with professional-grade photo papers. We offer unique designs and personalisation options, including print enhancement services. More reasons to choose us - quick turnaround, mobile-friendly website, quick uploads from any device, or even cloud, friendly and experienced customer service and printing excellence.