Gael Van Hattum

I’m currently in the top 10 for Wellington Real Estate agents within Harcourts. My philosophy is to sell your home within a stress-free environment while achieving you the best price in the market place. With 20+ years of living in this city - I can now walk around the city in my sleep. Finding a home for clients is a special gift I possess. Getting them to move again I have not yet perfected… they always love their new homes so much they never move again.

If you are considering selling within Wellington please feel free to give me a call; I’m always happy to help.

Real Estate Agents

Gael Van Hattum
54 Cambridge Terrace
Te Aro
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About Gael Van Hattum

I’m currently in the top 10 for Wellington Real Estate agents within Harcourts. My philosophy is to sell your home within a stress-free environment while achieving you the best price in the market place. With 20+ years of living in this city - I can now walk around the city in my sleep. Finding a home for clients is a special gift I possess. Getting them to move again I have not yet perfected… they always love their new homes so much they never move again.

If you are considering selling within Wellington please feel free to give me a call; I’m always happy to help.