Float Culture

We believe in creating lasting and meaningful change in the lives of our neighbors. The high density of our epsom salt baths will make you feel completely weightless, letting every single muscle in your body fully relax. The float pods are specifically designed to block out all external distractions, such as sights, sounds, tactile sensations and gravity. Scientific research suggests that Floatation therapy has an accumulative effect, so just as a massage therapist may work on a muscle for a few sessions to relieve tension and free you up to move better, repeated flotation sessions do the same for your mental processes. Building mentally clarity, strength in the face of stress, restfulness in sleep and physical relaxation are all effects that can be developed in the float pod.

Health & Fitness Centres

Float Culture

About Float Culture

We believe in creating lasting and meaningful change in the lives of our neighbors. The high density of our epsom salt baths will make you feel completely weightless, letting every single muscle in your body fully relax. The float pods are specifically designed to block out all external distractions, such as sights, sounds, tactile sensations and gravity. Scientific research suggests that Floatation therapy has an accumulative effect, so just as a massage therapist may work on a muscle for a few sessions to relieve tension and free you up to move better, repeated flotation sessions do the same for your mental processes. Building mentally clarity, strength in the face of stress, restfulness in sleep and physical relaxation are all effects that can be developed in the float pod.