Counselling & Coaching

Someone to talk to ...

When the same things keep happening over and over, and you realise you are in a rut but don't know how to get out, talking with a counsellor can shed light on beliefs and behaviours, and reveal why you are in pain, frustrated and unhappy. Sharing with a skilled counsellor can bring immense relief and create sustainable change.

Through working with me you can expect to feel relief from overwhelming feelings and thoughts. Your self-awareness will increase, benefitting you with more self-confidence and strength to create sustainable change and manage conflict. In working with me you will learn skills and techniques to have a more fulfilling and intimate relationship with yourself and other important people in your life.

Counselling for migrants and expatriates
Moving to a new country can bring challenges. Dealing with a new culture, career, language and unforeseen circumstances can cause sadness, anxiety, grief and loss.

Visit my website to learn more!

Counselling Services

Counselling & Coaching

About Counselling & Coaching

Someone to talk to ...

When the same things keep happening over and over, and you realise you are in a rut but don't know how to get out, talking with a counsellor can shed light on beliefs and behaviours, and reveal why you are in pain, frustrated and unhappy. Sharing with a skilled counsellor can bring immense relief and create sustainable change.

Through working with me you can expect to feel relief from overwhelming feelings and thoughts. Your self-awareness will increase, benefitting you with more self-confidence and strength to create sustainable change and manage conflict. In working with me you will learn skills and techniques to have a more fulfilling and intimate relationship with yourself and other important people in your life.

Counselling for migrants and expatriates
Moving to a new country can bring challenges. Dealing with a new culture, career, language and unforeseen circumstances can cause sadness, anxiety, grief and loss.

Visit my website to learn more!