Chan's Martial Arts Rangiora/North Canterbury

Teaching Shao Chi Chuan and Sing Ong Tai Chi Monday and Wednesday nights in Kaiapoi.

Shao Chi Chuan is a complete, stress-free self-defense system. Developed in NZ through the application of modern bio-mechanical principles, coupled with the ancient and ultra sophisticated art of Tai Chi Chuan.
The result is a self-defense system that is both effective and easy to learn, yet avoids undue injury through inappropriate training.
The traditional values of honour and loyalty underpin all that we do to foster both skill and self-control in all of our students.

Sing Ong Tai Chi is an international organization dedicated to thorough study and quality tuition of Yang style Tai Chi Chuan.
Sing Ong Tai Chi is a great way to relax and do your daily exercise. It maintains good health and youthfulness. It's easy on the joints and can be adapted to suit any level of fitness and ability.

More infomation at

Martial Arts

Chan's Martial Arts Rangiora/North Canterbury

About Chan's Martial Arts Rangiora/North Canterbury

Teaching Shao Chi Chuan and Sing Ong Tai Chi Monday and Wednesday nights in Kaiapoi.

Shao Chi Chuan is a complete, stress-free self-defense system. Developed in NZ through the application of modern bio-mechanical principles, coupled with the ancient and ultra sophisticated art of Tai Chi Chuan.
The result is a self-defense system that is both effective and easy to learn, yet avoids undue injury through inappropriate training.
The traditional values of honour and loyalty underpin all that we do to foster both skill and self-control in all of our students.

Sing Ong Tai Chi is an international organization dedicated to thorough study and quality tuition of Yang style Tai Chi Chuan.
Sing Ong Tai Chi is a great way to relax and do your daily exercise. It maintains good health and youthfulness. It's easy on the joints and can be adapted to suit any level of fitness and ability.

More infomation at