Bob Saunders

Bob the builder I am not but body realignment I have got. Aches, pains, sports injuries, sore back, sore neck give me a go what the heck. Comfortable and non-intrusive is my way working with you to make head way. With years of training under my belt I will give you my best to help you out my background is therapeutic massage and Ortho-Bionomy (Ortho-Bionomy is a gentle, non intrusive form of body therapy which is highly effective In working with chronic stress, injuries and pains or problems associated with postural and structural imbalances). Personally, throughout the years I have been troubled with dodgy knees and have had a total of four knee replacements due to complications with surgery, which I am grateful for as it gives me first-hand experience in dealing with chronic pain/rehabilitation and dealing with ACC, all of which helps me to help you improve your daily life


41 Pitfure Road
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About Bob Saunders

Bob the builder I am not but body realignment I have got. Aches, pains, sports injuries, sore back, sore neck give me a go what the heck. Comfortable and non-intrusive is my way working with you to make head way. With years of training under my belt I will give you my best to help you out my background is therapeutic massage and Ortho-Bionomy (Ortho-Bionomy is a gentle, non intrusive form of body therapy which is highly effective In working with chronic stress, injuries and pains or problems associated with postural and structural imbalances). Personally, throughout the years I have been troubled with dodgy knees and have had a total of four knee replacements due to complications with surgery, which I am grateful for as it gives me first-hand experience in dealing with chronic pain/rehabilitation and dealing with ACC, all of which helps me to help you improve your daily life

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