Blackdog Cat

At Blackdog Cat we build alloy boats, alloy trailers, and our qualified technicians can perform all engine servicing and maintenance on your trailer boat.
We can make custom bait boards, live bait tanks and transom caged to suit any boat. We can arrange to collect your boat for its service from anywhere in the Whangarei City boundaries, and any where between the city and Whangarei Heads.

Boat Maintenance

Blackdog Cat

About Blackdog Cat

At Blackdog Cat we build alloy boats, alloy trailers, and our qualified technicians can perform all engine servicing and maintenance on your trailer boat.
We can make custom bait boards, live bait tanks and transom caged to suit any boat. We can arrange to collect your boat for its service from anywhere in the Whangarei City boundaries, and any where between the city and Whangarei Heads.