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19 hours ago

Poll: Hi Neighbours

Beds4U Avondale

Would you rather...

Hi Neighbours
  • 18.5% Have a bed that magically makes breakfast in bed every morning?
    18.5% Complete
  • 81.5% A blanket that gives you instant sweet dreams at the flick of a switch?
    81.5% Complete
27 votes
3 days ago

The Sleeper’s Choice: Why Spring Mattresses Are Still On Top

Beds4U Avondale

Have you ever wondered why some beds feel like you're sleeping on a cloud, while others might as well be a rock? The answer often lies in what's inside them.

Today, we're diving deep into the world of innerspring mattresses or, as they're commonly known, spring mattresses.

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Have you ever wondered why some beds feel like you're sleeping on a cloud, while others might as well be a rock? The answer often lies in what's inside them.

Today, we're diving deep into the world of innerspring mattresses or, as they're commonly known, spring mattresses.

This guide will help you navigate the complex landscape of beds and mattresses, focusing on the tried-and-true technology of springs and coils.

The Evolution of Spring Mattresses
The journey of spring mattresses from a luxury to a household staple is fascinating. Initially patented in the 19th century, these mattresses have undergone significant evolution.

Early versions were basic, with simple coils sewn into the mattress fabric.

Today advancements in technology and design have led to pocketed coils. Each coil is encased separately to minimise the spread of the movement.

Multi-layered models combine springs with memory foam or latex for added comfort and support.

What Makes Spring Mattresses So Special?
Spring mattresses have been essential for quality sleep for a century. But what exactly makes them stand out?

Durability and Support. The core of a spring mattress is made from steel coils, which provide a strong foundation that helps maintain spinal alignment.

Breathability. The space between the coils allows air to circulate freely, keeping you cool throughout the night.

Variety. They come in various firmness levels and designs, catering to various sleep preferences.

Customizable Comfort. Spring mattresses now offer customisable comfort levels. This means you can choose a mattress that exactly fits your body's needs for a more personalised sleep experience.

Excellent Weight Distribution. Spring mattresses evenly distribute weight, reducing pressure points. This improves sleep quality by providing proper body support all night.

How to Choose the Right Spring Mattress
When searching for the perfect spring mattress, keep these key points in mind:

Type of Coils. The most common types include pocketed, continuous, and offset coils. Pocketed coils, for example, are excellent for reducing motion transfer.

Coil Count and Gauge. A higher coil count can offer better support and mattress durability, while the gauge (thickness) of the coils determines the firmness.

Comfort Layers. Modern spring mattresses often feature layers of foam, gel, or latex on top of the coils for extra comfort and support.

Size and Firmness. Consider the size of your bed and your preferred firmness level. It's often suggested that a mattress with a medium-firm feel is ideal for maintaining the best posture for your spine while you sleep.

Warranty and Sleep Trial. Always check the warranty and sleep trial period offered with the mattress. A longer warranty and sleep trial period can give you peace of mind. This ensures your investment is protected. You also have enough time to decide if the mattress suits you.

Ensuring Your Mattress Fits Your Needs.
Your sleep position, body weight, and personal preferences play a crucial role in selecting the right mattress.

For instance, side sleepers might enjoy a softer mattress to cushion the shoulders and hips, while stomach sleepers generally need a firmer surface to keep their spine aligned.

Caring for Your Spring Mattress.
To extend the life of your spring mattress, here are a few tips:

Rotate it regularly to distribute wear evenly.
Use a mattress protector to shield against dust, spills, and allergens.
Ensure it's supported by a sturdy bed frame or base.

Spring mattresses offer a blend of traditional support and modern comfort, making them a popular choice for many.

With the right information and a little bit of shopping savvy, you can find the perfect spring mattress to ensure you get the restful sleep you deserve.

Remember, the key to a healthier lifestyle and improved well-being starts with a good night's sleep.

Now that you're armed with knowledge about spring mattresses, it's time to find the one that will whisk you away to dreamland.

Whether you're looking for a mattress that supports your back, a bed that feels like sleeping on air, or stylish furniture to complement your sleep sanctuary, Beds4U has you covered.

Ready to make the switch?

Check out our extensive collection at Beds4U and find the perfect fit for your needs.

11 days ago


Beds4U Avondale

Mattresses usually last 8-10 years before they need to be replaced. Mattresses are one of the most difficult consumer products to get rid of responsibly. Maybe this is one of the main reasons that they end up on the Curb. But have you ever thought what happens to the old mattress when you leave it … View moreMattresses usually last 8-10 years before they need to be replaced. Mattresses are one of the most difficult consumer products to get rid of responsibly. Maybe this is one of the main reasons that they end up on the Curb. But have you ever thought what happens to the old mattress when you leave it on the curb? The size and construction of the mattress create a major problem for the authorities.
"300,000 mattresses are sent to landfill every year in New Zealand – if stacked this pile of unwanted mattresses would reach to the edge of space! This 8100 tonnes of waste cost $14.5 million to landfill every year", says 3R Group Chief Executive Adele Rose.

So what’s the best way to get rid of your old mattress? Here are some of the suggested ways to adios your old Mattress:

Sell it:

If your Mattress is not a home to bed bugs and has no major stains or rips. You can consider to sell it for a nominal fee. Trademe or any other social media platform can help you reach potential buyers. This can be one of the most environmentally friendly options.

Donate the Mattress:

You can check with your local non-profits to see if they accept old mattresses or beds in a donation. Organizations like The Salvation Army & Red Cross have centers where you can drop your good quality old beds & Furniture that can be passed to people in need.

Consider Recycling:

If you're not able to sell or donate your mattress, then you should try to send your mattress to a recycling center. Both consumers and businesses can drop off old mattresses at these centers. Businesses can also arrange direct delivery to a local processing centre. The mattresses are dismantled into raw materials, such as steel, foam, plastic, and fabric which are either recycled or reused. The rebound mattress recycling program is a stewardship program designed to provide a simple and accessible solution enabling consumers to responsibly dispose of unwanted mattresses and bed bases.

Break It Yourself:

If you have the time, space, and tools, you can easily break a mattress or base yourself. Simply cut around the perimeter of the fabric covering and peel the cloth and foam away from the box springs and wooden frame. You can roll these materials into a compact bundle and put them in your regular trash can. Next, take a saw and cut up the frame you can then burn or turn it into wood chips. Take the box springs to a recycling center or sell them for scrap.


An old mattress can be re-purposed which means putting it to another use. It requires creative imagination to come up with ideas on where to use the old mattress. In Australia, an enterprising group is taking the stuffing out of old mattresses, washing it, and then making punching bags using it as filling. Before you throw away your old mattress consider if you can find a new use for it.

With an estimated 300,000 mattresses and bases sent to landfill every year in New Zealand. That’s the equivalent of twenty-five 20-foot shipping containers filled with these units every single day the community needs to dispose of their old beds responsibly.

8 days ago

Poll: What would you rather be doing on a weekend?

Beds4U Avondale

Hi neighbours, vote now! Let us know your top pick and why it’s your favourite way to spend the weekend!

What would you rather be doing on a weekend?
  • 20% Binge watch a show
    20% Complete
  • 24.7% Read a book
    24.7% Complete
  • 14.1% Hang-out with friends
    14.1% Complete
  • 41.2% Sleep and relax
    41.2% Complete
85 votes
15 days ago

Which one resonates with your daily routine?

Beds4U Avondale

Hey neighbours! Are you more Night owl vibes or early bird energy—which one resonates with your daily routine?

Which one resonates with your daily routine?
  • 61.7% Night owl vibes
    61.7% Complete
  • 38.3% Early bird energy
    38.3% Complete
94 votes
19 days ago

Revitalize Your Mornings - Signs It's Time for a New Mattress!

Beds4U Avondale

Hi Neighbours,

Feeling sluggish in the mornings or noticing increased discomfort in your back?

It might not just be your alarm clock—it could be time to assess if your mattress is still providing the support you need.

Let's explore the signs that suggest it's time for a new … View more
Hi Neighbours,

Feeling sluggish in the mornings or noticing increased discomfort in your back?

It might not just be your alarm clock—it could be time to assess if your mattress is still providing the support you need.

Let's explore the signs that suggest it's time for a new mattress, ensuring your nights are as restorative as they should be.

Health Check: Are You Waking Up Sore?

It’s not normal to wake up feeling like you’ve run a marathon (unless you actually have!). If your mattress is getting older, you might notice more back pain or general discomfort.

Investing in a new mattress can significantly improve your sleep quality and overall health.

Remember, your mattress should be your sanctuary, not a source of discomfort.

If you find yourself tossing and turning, trying to find a comfortable spot, it's a clear sign your body is asking for something new.

Spot the Signs: Physical Indicators Your Mattress Needs Replacing

Take a close look at your mattress:

Does it sag in the middle where you sleep?
Can you feel springs or bumps that weren't there before?
These are signs that your mattress is wearing out.

Over time, mattresses lose their shape and the materials inside break down, failing to provide adequate support.

Don’t compromise on comfort; a new mattress can revitalize your sleep experience. Isn’t that a wonderful reason to consider an upgrade?

How Long Has It Been? Understanding Mattress Lifespan

Every mattress has an expiration date, although it’s not printed on the tag.

Depending on the type—memory foam, innerspring, or others—they generally last 7 to 10 years.

Factors like mattress quality and maintenance affect lifespan.

Think about how long you've had your current mattress.

Is it nearing a decade?

If so, it might be time to start looking for a replacement.

What to Do Next: Choosing and Maintaining Your New Mattress

Selecting a new mattress might seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be.

Consider your sleep position, body weight, and comfort preferences.

Explore our Mattress Collection for various options incorporating the latest technology for the best night's sleep.

After choosing, proper maintenance can extend your mattress’s life:

Rotate it regularly
Use a mattress protector
Ensure good ventilation
The Comfort of a Fresh Mattress

Now that you understand the signs and tips for choosing wisely, why wait?

A new mattress is an investment in your health and well-being, not just an upgrade for your bedroom.

Explore our selection at Beds4U for high-quality, supportive mattresses that promise to transform your sleep—and your waking hours.

Say goodbye to sleepless nights and hello to mornings when you wake up refreshed and ready to conquer the day.

Your body—and your future self—will thank you for this smart, comforting choice!

26 days ago

Sleep Smart: How to Pick the Perfect Mattress Firmness for You

Beds4U Avondale

Discover the key to a great night's sleep by finding the perfect mattress firmness. Learn how to choose between soft, medium, and firm options to enhance your sleep quality and boost your daily energy.

Let’s break it down into simple terms to help you make an informed decision that can … View more
Discover the key to a great night's sleep by finding the perfect mattress firmness. Learn how to choose between soft, medium, and firm options to enhance your sleep quality and boost your daily energy.

Let’s break it down into simple terms to help you make an informed decision that can transform your sleep quality and, by extension, your daily energy levels.

Spinal Alignment and Support
One of the most critical aspects of mattress selection is the support it provides to your spine.

Firm mattresses are often recommended for back and stomach sleepers as they offer a stable support system that maintains natural spinal alignment. This reduces the risk of waking up with back pain or discomfort.

On the other hand, soft mattresses can be a haven for side sleepers. The extra “give” in a soft mattress accommodates the hips and shoulders, aligning the spine correctly when lying on your side.
However, it's not just about sleep position; weight also plays a role.

Heavier individuals might find that a firm mattress provides better support, preventing the feeling of sinking too deeply into the mattress, which can misalign the spine.

Conversely, lighter individuals may prefer the cushioning of a soft mattress.

Durability and Lifespan
Investing in a mattress is a significant decision, and understanding the longevity of your purchase is essential.

Typically, firm mattresses have a longer lifespan because they are less prone to sagging over time. The dense and tightly packed materials in a firm mattress resist the indentations that softer mattresses might develop, especially in areas under continuous pressure from body weight.

While providing luxurious comfort and excellent pressure relief, soft mattresses might require more frequent replacement if the materials start to compress and lose their supportive properties.
This is something to consider if you’re looking for a mattress that will maintain its comfort and support for many years.

Comfort, Pressure Relief, and Temperature Regulation
Soft mattresses excel at providing pressure relief, which is particularly beneficial for those with joint pain or conditions like arthritis.

The cushioning effect of a soft mattress cradles the body’s contours, reducing pressure points and promoting a more restful sleep.

However, temperature regulation is another vital factor to consider.

Firm mattresses typically facilitate better airflow around the body, staying cooler throughout the night. This can be a significant advantage if you tend to sleep hot.

Soft mattresses, due to their enveloping nature, might retain more body heat, potentially leading to discomfort for some sleepers.

Finding Your Perfect Match at Beds4U
Now that you know the differences between soft and firm mattresses, why not test them out for yourself?

At Beds4U, a trusted name across New Zealand, we're dedicated to helping every Kiwi find their perfect bed. Whether you crave the enveloping comfort of a soft mattress or the robust support of a firm one, our extensive range has something for everyone.

Whether you need the enveloping comfort of a soft mattress or the robust support of a firm one, our wide range includes options that cater to all preferences and needs.

Check out our collections for more.

Remember, your mattress choice will profoundly impact your sleep quality and, by extension, your overall well-being. Choose wisely, and enjoy a beautiful sleep every night!

Visit us in-store or online at Beds4U for more.

Find The Sleep Solution For You at Beds4U!

32 days ago

Poll: Would you rather...

Beds4U Avondale

Choose on one of the below:

Would you rather...
  • 50% Sleep in complete silence
    50% Complete
  • 50% Fall asleep to soothing background noise like rain or waves
    50% Complete
182 votes
42 days ago

Poll: How much sleep do you usually get?

Beds4U Avondale

Let’s see how many night owls and early birds we have! Cast your vote now.

How much sleep do you usually get?
  • 11.8% Less than 5 hours
    11.8% Complete
  • 36.8% 5-6 hours
    36.8% Complete
  • 39.6% 7-8 hours
    39.6% Complete
  • 11.8% More than 8 hours
    11.8% Complete
212 votes
46 days ago


Beds4U Avondale

A good night's sleep is essential for our overall well-being.

We understand the significance of choosing the perfect mattress size and type to ensure you wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated every morning.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the factors to … View more
A good night's sleep is essential for our overall well-being.

We understand the significance of choosing the perfect mattress size and type to ensure you wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated every morning.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the factors to consider when selecting your mattress, from the kind of bed that suits your sleep style to the ideal firmness and size for your needs.

The Crucial Role of Choosing the Right Mattress for a Good Night's Rest

The foundation of restful sleep begins with your bedtime routine and, critically, with selecting the right kind of mattress.
The comfort and support provided by your mattress play a pivotal role in determining the quality of sleep you enjoy.

The significance of your sleeping position intertwines with the necessity of choosing an appropriate mattress. It's more than a matter of preference; it directly influences your sleep quality and overall well-being.
Understanding how your mattress complements your sleeping posture is key to achieving a more restful and rejuvenating night's sleep.

Spinal Alignment

The impact of your mattress on spinal alignment cannot be overstated. A mattress that properly supports your body will maintain the natural curvature of your spine, reducing pressure points and alleviating discomfort.

Tip: For back sleepers, a mattress that offers medium-firm support can help maintain the natural curve of the lower back. Side sleepers might look for a mattress that provides a softer surface to contour to the hips and shoulders, keeping the spine aligned.

Respiratory Health

Your mattress can also affect your respiratory health, particularly if it exacerbates or mitigates conditions like snoring or obstructive sleep apnea. The right mattress can support sleeping positions that promote open airways.

Tip: Side sleepers, who may experience fewer breathing difficulties, should choose a mattress that allows for easy movement and doesn’t lock them into one position.


A mattress that restricts blood flow can lead to discomfort, numbness, or even pressure ulcers. It's vital to select a mattress that facilitates good circulation, complementing your body's needs.

Tip: A mattress that is too firm might impede circulation for side sleepers, while one that is too soft may cause back sleepers to sink too deeply, affecting blood flow.

Comfort and Support

Ultimately, the goal is to find a mattress that provides both comfort and support tailored to your preferred sleeping position. This ensures not only a restful night's sleep but also contributes to your overall health and well-being.

Tip: Invest time in testing mattresses to find one that matches your body's contours and supports your sleeping style.

Whether you prefer a plush, firm, or medium-firm mattress, the right choice can dramatically improve your sleep quality.

What Size Of Mattress Is Best For Sleep?

Selecting the right mattress size is essential for maximizing comfort and ensuring ample space for restful sleep.

For solo sleepers or children, a single or twin mattress provides ample space for a comfortable night's sleep.

Couples may opt for a larger size, such as a queen or king mattress, to ensure ample room for rest without compromising individual space and comfort.

Consider your bedroom's dimensions and personal preferences when choosing the perfect mattress size.

49 days ago

Poll: What does your sleeping position tells about you? Which one are you?

Beds4U Avondale

Are you curious about what your go-to sleep pose says about you? Whether you're a side snoozer or a back sleeper, discover the hidden meanings behind your favorite sleep style! Share yours below

What does your sleeping position tells about you? Which one are you?
  • 7.6% Back Sleepers
    7.6% Complete
  • 5.9% Stomach Sleepers
    5.9% Complete
  • 5.9% Fetal position
    5.9% Complete
  • 80.7% Side Sleepers
    80.7% Complete
119 votes
53 days ago

The importance of a good night's sleep

Beds4U Avondale

Most people know that getting a good night's sleep is important, but few truly understand how vital at least seven to eight hours of sleep a night is.

Getting enough sleep is crucial for both our physical and mental health. It helps to boost our immune system, improves our mood and … View more
Most people know that getting a good night's sleep is important, but few truly understand how vital at least seven to eight hours of sleep a night is.

Getting enough sleep is crucial for both our physical and mental health. It helps to boost our immune system, improves our mood and cognitive function, and reduces stress levels.

The benefits of good sleep on overall health and wellness

There are numerous physical health benefits associated with getting enough sleep.
It can:

boost your immune system.
repair tissue damage.
reduce inflammation.
regulate hormones.
regulate blood sugar levels.
control appetite-stimulating hormones.
improve your skin.

Sleep also plays a vital role in regulating mood and managing stress levels. It can:

reduce stress and anxiety.
improve our concentration and cognitive performance.
Boost your energy levels.
make it easier to cope with difficult situations.
help reduce the risk of developing mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.

If you're having trouble sleeping, try these tips:

Establish a regular sleep schedule.
Create a relaxing bedtime routine.
Limit caffeine and alcohol consumption.
Avoid screen time before bed.
Make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet.
Take time to relax and clear your mind.
Make sure your bed is comfortable.

In conclusion, prioritizing sleep is one of the most effective ways to enhance your overall health and well-being. By understanding the profound impact that quality sleep has on both your body and mind, and by implementing healthy sleep habits, you can significantly improve your quality of life. So, take that step toward better health tonight by committing to a good night's sleep.

56 days ago

Poll: Bedtime Routine Poll

Beds4U Avondale

What’s your go-to for a perfect night’s rest? Pick your favorite activity and let’s discover the top relaxation method!
Ready, set, relax!

Bedtime Routine Poll
  • 14.8% Drink tea
    14.8% Complete
  • 1.7% Meditate
    1.7% Complete
  • 29.6% Watch a movie
    29.6% Complete
  • 8.7% Listen to music
    8.7% Complete
  • 45.2% Read a book
    45.2% Complete
115 votes
60 days ago


Beds4U Avondale

Have you ever wondered if splurging on a high-quality bed truly makes a difference to your sleep quality and overall well-being?

Sealy Beds, a name synonymous with unparalleled comfort and enduring support, offers more than just a sleeping surface; they provide a sanctuary for restorative … View more
Have you ever wondered if splurging on a high-quality bed truly makes a difference to your sleep quality and overall well-being?

Sealy Beds, a name synonymous with unparalleled comfort and enduring support, offers more than just a sleeping surface; they provide a sanctuary for restorative sleep.

With the Sealy Exquisite Collection, the question of whether the price of a Sealy bed is worth it becomes not just about cost but about investing in your health and comfort.

Let's dive into the world of Sealy to explore the exceptional value these beds bring to your sleep sanctuary.

Is the Price of a Sealy Bed Worth it?

When it comes to investing in a quality bed, individuals seek not just comfort but also durability and support. In this quest, Sealy Beds emerges as a beacon of excellence.

The price of a Sealy bed goes beyond monetary value; it encompasses the assurance of a restful night's sleep, night after night.

With the Sealy Exquisite Collection, this assurance reaches new heights.

Crafted with precision and care, each bed in the Sealy Exquisite Collection embodies the fusion of luxury and functionality.

Innovative Support Technology. The Sealy Exquisite Collection beds have state-of-the-art support systems like the patented Titanium AlignSupport™ System. This unique technology ensures that each part of your body, including key pressure points, receives meticulous attention and support, adapting to your movements throughout the night.

Luxurious Materials and Craftsmanship. Each bed in the Sealy Exquisite Collection is crafted using only the finest materials. This careful selection contributes to the bed's luxurious feel and appearance and enhances its functionality by offering superior breathability, temperature regulation, and comfort.

The price of a Sealy bed extends far beyond the initial investment, promising years of rejuvenating sleep and well-being.

Sealy Exquisite Collection: A Comprehensive Review

Sealy has been at the forefront of mattress innovation for over a century. From pioneering technologies to groundbreaking designs, they continue to push the boundaries of sleep science.

With a legacy of craftsmanship spanning generations, Sealy is renowned for its attention to detail and commitment to excellence. Each mattress is meticulously crafted to deliver uncompromising quality and comfort.

Unmatched Comfort. Sealy beds are synonymous with comfort. Crafted with premium materials and innovative technologies, they provide the perfect balance of support and cushioning, ensuring a restorative night's sleep.

Durability. Designed to withstand the test of time, Sealy beds are built to last. From reinforced edges to high-density foams, each component is engineered for maximum durability and resilience.

Variety. Whether you prefer plush pillow tops or firm support, Sealy offers a diverse range of mattresses to suit every preference and sleeping style.

Price. While the quality of Sealy beds justifies the investment, they may be priced higher compared to some competitors. However, considering the long-term benefits they offer, many customers find the cost justified.

Rest Easy with Sealy Exquisite Collection

The Sealy Exquisite Collection epitomises luxury within reach.

With a legacy of excellence and a commitment to innovation, Sealy Beds redefines comfort and relaxation standards.

Each mattress is designed to provide the ultimate sleep experience, from advanced technologies to superior craftsmanship.

So why settle for anything less?

Discover the luxury Sealy collection today at Beds4U and upgrade your sleep to new heights of comfort and rejuvenation.

64 days ago

Poll: Which do you prefer to sip on before slipping under the cover?

Beds4U Avondale

Cozy up for a nighttime ritual! Which do you prefer to sip on before slipping under the covers: a comforting cup of hot tea or a soothing glass of warm milk? Share your bedtime beverage choice below and let's toast to sweet dreams! #SleepWell

Which do you prefer to sip on before slipping under the cover?
  • 77.5% Hot Tea
    77.5% Complete
  • 22.5% Warm Milk
    22.5% Complete
80 votes