
Here at BabyPlay we believe children learn naturally through play and our job as both parents and educators is to set the environment, provide appropriate resources and scaffold the child's play.

We take inspriation from Reggio, Montessori, and Waldorf education practices. We provide beautiful natural open ended resources for children from birth, which ignite their imganation, curiosty and spark. We also provide parents annd educators with creative play ideas, both using our resources and also using other budget friendly items commonly found around the home.

Baby Products & Services

About BabyPlay

Here at BabyPlay we believe children learn naturally through play and our job as both parents and educators is to set the environment, provide appropriate resources and scaffold the child's play.

We take inspriation from Reggio, Montessori, and Waldorf education practices. We provide beautiful natural open ended resources for children from birth, which ignite their imganation, curiosty and spark. We also provide parents annd educators with creative play ideas, both using our resources and also using other budget friendly items commonly found around the home.