Aladdin Rugs NZ

A Kiwi-owned family business, Aladdin Rugs provides excellent quality rugs sourced from all over the world. The 300,000 plus rugs that are in stock were personally selected and curated by the Aladdin Rugs team to ensure that the quality and design are 100% in good condition.
From traditional to modern floor rugs, Aladdin Rugs carries a wide selection of rugs suitable to meet one’s taste, style, and budget. Customers can look at their wide selection in their showroom to get a sight of their beautifully designed rugs that come in all shape, sizes, and colours.
Alongside providing quality designer rugs, the team of Aladdin Rugs prides themselves with the quality of service they provide. The professional team of Aladdin Rugs will be more than pleased to assist clients in their rug selection process, providing excellent customer service.


About Aladdin Rugs NZ

A Kiwi-owned family business, Aladdin Rugs provides excellent quality rugs sourced from all over the world. The 300,000 plus rugs that are in stock were personally selected and curated by the Aladdin Rugs team to ensure that the quality and design are 100% in good condition.
From traditional to modern floor rugs, Aladdin Rugs carries a wide selection of rugs suitable to meet one’s taste, style, and budget. Customers can look at their wide selection in their showroom to get a sight of their beautifully designed rugs that come in all shape, sizes, and colours.
Alongside providing quality designer rugs, the team of Aladdin Rugs prides themselves with the quality of service they provide. The professional team of Aladdin Rugs will be more than pleased to assist clients in their rug selection process, providing excellent customer service.