369˚ Collective

Whether you're a Solopreneur, Entrepreneur, Wantrepreneur or Mompreneur there's one thing we want you to know... You're not on this journey alone.
369° Collective is a hub of trusted service providers for New Zealand owned businesses who want a clear direction and want to know they are in safe hands!
We only connect you with businesses that we know and trust with our own brand!
Solution focussed - From our first interaction with you, we focus all our efforts on helping you find the solution that’s right for you. Helping you grow - It's about getting you results, and finding out what adds value for you and your business.The whole package - Within our Collective of like-minded entrepreneurs, we have the expertise to help you manage all your small business growth, marketing and web development needs

Business Consultants

369˚ Collective

About 369˚ Collective

Whether you're a Solopreneur, Entrepreneur, Wantrepreneur or Mompreneur there's one thing we want you to know... You're not on this journey alone.
369° Collective is a hub of trusted service providers for New Zealand owned businesses who want a clear direction and want to know they are in safe hands!
We only connect you with businesses that we know and trust with our own brand!
Solution focussed - From our first interaction with you, we focus all our efforts on helping you find the solution that’s right for you. Helping you grow - It's about getting you results, and finding out what adds value for you and your business.The whole package - Within our Collective of like-minded entrepreneurs, we have the expertise to help you manage all your small business growth, marketing and web development needs