MISSION STATEMENT 2018 The name of the Society is THE WAIRARAPA WOMEN’S CENTRE (“the Society”) INCORPORATED KAUPAPA (OBJECTS) The society is established for the educational and charitable objects and purposes. In particular, the Society is established: To ensure the ongoing effective existence of the Wairarapa Women’s Centre as a Resource and Information Centre for the community. To foster and promote the equality, well-being and development of the women in the Wairarapa region. To confront women’s oppression and to oppose any form of discrimination by those who have power against those who do not and to empower women to take control of their own lives. To promote a safe, supportive environment for women and children. To recognise and work within the Treaty of Waitangi. To promote delegations and submissions to local, regional and central government on any matter. To establish and maintain connections with organisations in New Zealand and overseas that have similar objectives.