The Peace Foundation

Community Organisation

The Peace Foundation
128 Khyber Pass Road
Auckland 1023

The Peace Foundation is a non-profit organisation with a mission 'To build peaceful relationships among people of all ages and cultures - from personal to global - through education , research and action'. The Peace Foundation offers innovative and quality programmes, services and resources that are used in many schools, homes and communities - both in New Zealand and overseas. It helps to establish and maintain peaceful and non-violent relationships by teaching skills that encourage better communication, co-operation and non-violent conflict resolution. The organisation draws on the knowledge, skills and energy of a team of highly qualified and experienced individuals who are committed to meeting the aims of the organisation - a number of whom are acknowledged both nationally and internationally for the role they have played and are playing in creating a more peaceful world. The Peace Foundation relies on public support for its work. It has been a membership organisation since it was established in 1975.