Sri Ganesha Trust Christchurch

Community Organisation

Sri Ganesha Trust Christchurch
P.O.Box 36629
Christchurch 8146New Zealand

We are a small but energised and much-focused group in Christchurch, who passionately think that the time has finally come for a Hindu Temple in Christchurch. Several previous attempts to build a Hindu temple by aspiring and exemplary Hindus never had gained much traction and for a variety of reasons the idea and passion just fizzled out. We believe that in the greater scheme of things, everything happens only when it’s ready to happen. The time is NOW. Please join us to establish the temple in Christchurch. We are not delusional and think that it will be an easy task. It will be a trying endeavor, but with God’s grace, we will prevail. The vision to have a temple was to be able to unite the community and provide a place to worship, learn and teach ourselves and our children about the Hindu religion and our various languages and celebrate our festivals together as a big family. Contact Details Telephone : +64 22 42 45 599 Email :